Little Flower is a non-profit making organisation which supports social projects in southern India, particularly projects for women and children from Dalits, indigenous and landless people. These people live ostracised from society and at subsistence level but through Little Flower they are given a chance to improve their lives sustainably. Key aspects of Little Flower's activities are: supporting children's school education, supporting women's vocational education, micro-credit programmes, health care and emergency help.

Little Flower started in 1991/1992 in Madras, founded by Fr. Ama Samy and his Zen students. Initially, they supported Little Flower and other projects which offered school education for children from poor families and which took care of discriminated and outcast families. At the end of 1994 PEARL, the first Little Flower project began, offering free schooling for landless people. From these humble beginnings a support foundation has grown that nowadays finances seven social projects in the South of India with more than EUR 40.000 annually. Only Indian staff are employed. All European workers of Little Flower are volunteers.

Little Flower is funded by donations. All donations are transferred to Little Flower in India without deduction. The Little Flower foundation qualifies as an official charitable foundation and donations are tax deductible in India, Germany and The Netherlands. Since 2001 a partnership exists between Little Flower and the 'Sternsinger - Missionswerk der Kinder in Aachen' (Papal Missionary Work of Children).

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